Author: eea-privacy
The list contains the public website hosted and managed by European Environment Agency ( and its network (Eionet). The aim is to increase awareness about privacy and security features of these websites and help comply with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 (GDPR for EU institutions and agencies).
The attributes are Service location (the url), Strategic area (for internal use), Name (site name), Purpose (short description and purpose of the site), Availability (how important the site should be up and running).
Take the results shown on this page with a grain of salt! Some of our checks may report wrong results.
What is this? This page shows a summary of a machine-generated analysis of several web pages commissioned by a PrivacyScore user. During the analysis it was checked whether the privacy of the visitors is protected on a technical level as well as possible when visiting the given Internet addresses, and whether the operator uses common security mechanisms on the website. This can indicate how seriously an operator takes data protection. However, it is not possible to determine the actual security level achieved. More details please!
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You can influence the ranking by your preferences. Use the and arrows to change the importance (left means more important).
At the moment we only provide one ranking scheme that consists of the following categories: NoTrack, EncWeb, Attacks, and EncMail. We perform a priorized sort to obtain the ranking: We start with the first category, sorting the sites according to their rating: . Sites with an identical rating in a category are further sorted considering the next category to the right. This procedure is repeated until all categories have been considered.
# | URL | Strategic area | Name | Purpose | Availability |
NoTrack |
EncWeb |
Attacks |
EncMail |
Rating |
1 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:55 | SA 3.2 | CDRsandbox | To let the reporters try out the workflow and QA before making real deliveries to CDR | MODERATE | good | neutral | good | neutral | |
2 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:11 | SA 3.2 | CDR: Central Data Repository | Receive and archive Reportnet deliveries from national authorities. | CRITICAL | good | neutral | warning | neutral | |
3 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:25 | SA 1.5 | WISE: Water Information System for Europe | Gateway to information on European water issues | LOW | good | neutral | warning | neutral | |
4 | (2 failures) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:36 | SA 3.1 | Eionet portal | Providing a gateway into the Eionet sites. Describing Eionet. | MODERATE | good | neutral | warning | neutral | |
5 | / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:36 | SA 3.2 | Eionet helpdesk (OTRS) | Management of helpdesk inquiries from the Eionet community | MODERATE | good | warning | good | neutral | |
6 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:40 | SA 3.1 | Eionet planner | Summary workplans inform national networks about the timing of Agency projects for which they need to make resources available. | MODERATE | good | warning | warning | neutral | |
6 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:44 | SA 1.7 | BISE: Biodiversity Informations System for Europe | Contributing to the improvement of the knowledge and evidence base for the European Union's environmental policy | MODERATE | good | warning | warning | neutral | |
6 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:49 | SA 1.3 | Conversion service BDR | Reportnet subsystem: QA scripts and XML conversions for BDR | CRITICAL | good | warning | warning | neutral | |
7 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:08 | SA 3.3 | FME server | Scheduling system for European Dataflows (ETL) and spatial validation | MODERATE | good | warning | warning | neutral | |
7 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:23 | SA 3.2 | Discomap | Provide spatial data services to the other IT applications and environmental specialists. | MODERATE | good | warning | warning | neutral | |
7 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:42 | SA 1.7 | Natura2000 Network Viewer | The European database on Natura 2000 sites consists of data submitted by Member States to the European Commission. | MODERATE | good | warning | warning | neutral | |
7 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:11 | SA 1.1 | EMRT-NECD | Emission Review Tool for NEC Directive | CRITICAL | good | warning | warning | neutral | |
7 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:10 | SA 1.1 | EMRT-ESD (Emission Review Tool - Effort Sharing Decision) | The Emission review tool supports the annual review of EU countries’ GHG emission inventories. | CRITICAL | good | warning | warning | neutral | |
8 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:49 | SA 3.2 | Web questionnaire test 2 | To test webforms before they get deployed to production | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
8 | / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:05 | SA 3.2 | Web questionnaire test 1 | To test webforms before they get deployed to production | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
9 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:10 | SA 3.2 | RDFData | The RDFData site is the website where we generate RDF out of Eurostat SDMX files. We also store RDF files that don't belong anywhere else to be able to harvest them from CR or SDS. | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
9 | / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:07 | SA 1.1 | Plans & Programmes Web DEM for AQ e-Reporting | To facilitate national reporting of dataflows H to K under the Air Quality directive | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
10 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:49 | SA 3.2 | ArcGis Server | The EEA platform for hosting web mapping services (Including INSPIRE services); web geo-processing services; web map printing services | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
11 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:49 | SA 3.7 | ENI SEIS II | Implementation of the Shared Environmental Information System principles and practices in the Eastern and Southern Partnership countries | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
11 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:19 | SA 3.5 | Subversion | Software development support: EEA's version control system. Also known as SVN. | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
11 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:32 | SA 3.2 | Unified Notification Service | A service to receive notifications from other systems and then resend them to the users who have subscribed. | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
11 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:10 | SA 3.2 | Semantic Data Service (ver 7) | Data warehouse to facilitate data analysis | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
11 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:33:05 | SA 3.2 | Semantic Data Service | Data warehouse to facilitate data analysis | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
12 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:25 | SA 1.7 | Biodiversity clearing houses | The CHM portal hosts about 11 national clearing houses for biodiversity. | MODERATE | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
13 | (2 failures) / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:23 | SA 3.4 | EEA Website systems | Dissemination of products and information from EEA. It serves as the master catalog of metadata for all EEA products when they are released to the public. | MODERATE | neutral | neutral | neutral | good | |
14 | (2 failures) / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:30 | SA 3.6 | Corda - Maps | Used for maps; statistics and NUTS for CORDA See Corda (Copernicus Reference Data Access) | MODERATE | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
14 | (2 failures) / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:29 | SA 3.3 | SDI catalogue | A csw service and front end application to search and find EEA GIS datasets | MODERATE | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
14 | (2 failures) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:39:17 | SA 3.2 | Data Dictionary (DD) | Data Dictionary holds definitions of datasets; tables; code lists and data elements. | MODERATE | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
14 | (2 failures) / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:59 | SA 3.2 | Conversion service (XMLCONV) | Reportnet subsystem: QA scripts and XML conversions | CRITICAL | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
14 | (2 failures) / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:09 | SA 3.2 | MDR: Mediterranean Data Repository | Receive and archive Reportnet deliveries from national authorities. | CRITICAL | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
14 | (2 failures) / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:29 | SA 3.2 | CDRtest | Test of QA scripts; webforms and conversions for dataflow implementations | MODERATE | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
15 | (2 failures) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:38:38 | SA 1.1 | NOISE: Noise Observation and Information Service for Europe | Presentation of data related to strategic noise maps delivered in accordance with European Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. | MODERATE | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
15 | (2 failures) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:23 | SA 1.1 | Air Quality Index | Displays current air quality in Europe | MODERATE | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
16 | (1 failure) / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:26 | SA 3.2 | Taskman / Redmine | Used for managing the flow of tasks for EEA and Eionet projects. | MODERATE | neutral | warning | neutral | neutral | |
16 | (1 failure) / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:04 | SA 1.3 | BDR: Business Data Repository | To collect deliveries from commercial entreprises. | MODERATE | neutral | warning | neutral | neutral | |
17 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:25 | SA 1.7 | Emerald Viewer | The Emerald viewer is a twin of the Natura 2000 viewer. We are doing the work on the Emerald under a Memorandum of Coorporation with Council of Europe. | MODERATE | neutral | warning | neutral | neutral | |
18 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:33:14 | SA 3.3 | General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) | Glossary with 5200 words related to the environment and translation in 20+ languages | MODERATE | neutral | warning | neutral | warning | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:30 | SA 3.2 | Web questionnaires | To facilitate deliveries via webforms. | MODERATE | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:33 | SA 3.2 | Reporting obligations database | ROD is the agency's reporting obligations database. It contains records describing environmental reporting obligations that countries have towards international organisations. | CRITICAL | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:19 | SA 3.2 | ETC/ICM website | Dissemination of information from the Topic Centre | MODERATE | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:58 | SA 3.2 | ETC/BD website | Dissemination of information from the Topic Centre | MODERATE | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:32 | SA 3.2 | Content Registry (CR) | The Content Registry is a data warehouse that loads data from other sources to make them queryable. | MODERATE | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:47 | SA 3.1 | Eionet Projects | Groupware for the Eionet extranet. Split into Forum; Projects and Archives. | MODERATE | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:33 | SA 3.1 | Eionet Forum | Groupware for the Eionet extranet. Split into Forum; Projects and Archives. | MODERATE | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:27 | SA 1.7 | EUNIS Application | Information of species; habitat types and protected sites | MODERATE | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:21 | SA 1.3 | Web questionnaire BDR | To facilitate deliveries to BDR via webforms. | CRITICAL | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
20 | (1 failure) / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:25 | SA 3.6 | Copernicus Land Monitoring Services (GioLand) | The Copernicus land monitoring service provides geographical information on land cover/land use and on variables related to vegetation state and the water cycle. | MODERATE | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
21 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:11 | SA 3.6 | Copernicus In Situ (cis2) | Portal for the Copernicus In Situ Component | MODERATE | warning | warning | good | neutral | |
22 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:12 | SA 3.6 | Copernicus In Situ | Portal for the Copernicus In Situ Component | MODERATE | warning | warning | good | neutral | |
23 | / 2023-01-03 @ 10:29:26 | SA 3.2 | Eionet single signon | The SSO central authentication system ensures that passwords are not sent unencrypted over the Internet. | MODERATE | warning | warning | warning | neutral | |
24 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:56 | SA 1.4 | Climate-ADAPT | CLIMATE-ADAPT aims to support Europe in adapting to climate change. Owned by EEA. | MODERATE | warning | warning | warning | neutral | |
25 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:44 | SA 4.2 | Vacancy management | Supports the recruitment process | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:19 | SA 4.1 | Assembly of Agency Staff Committees | A website to support the Assembly of Agency Staff Committees | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:25 | SA 3.6 | Corda – Source control and integration | In use for source control and continuous integration but has restricted access. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:09:35 | SA 3.6 | Corda (Copernicus Reference Data Access) | Hosting of the main CORDA application as a single entry point node to the relevant national and regional geospatial reference data. | CRITICAL | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:19 | SA 3.6 | Copernicus Data Exchange Platform | The Verification and Enhancement portal is a web platform for the transfer of HRL data and reports; using internet protocols; between stakeholders throughout the Verification and Enhancement stages of production. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:32 | SA 3.4 | EEA Enquiries Forum | EEA's first level helpdesk / contact point for the public. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:19 | SA 3.3 | IDP for ArcGis | Single sign-on protocol used to link ArcGis online towards Eionet LDAP authentication | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:26 | SA 3.3 | FME server (batch) | Scheduling system for European Dataflows (ETL) and spatial validation | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:50 | SA 3.2 | Tableau dashboard live example (PaMs) | BI Dashboards to support EEA data flow management; thematic analysing and public information distribution. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:48 | SA 3.2 | Tableau server and Tableau Desktop BI platform | BI Dashboards to support EEA data flow management; thematic analysing and public information distribution. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:03 | SA 3.2 | R-DATA SQL Service | Postgres SQL Service used for .... | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:26 | SA 3.2 | Reference website | The Reference website makes the reference data stored in Content Registry browsable | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:48 | SA 3.2 | Matrix-Riot | To facilitate real-time communication between EEA IT Consultants and EEA Staff during web development and IT-incidents. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:41 | SA 3.2 | ETC WMGE website | Dissemination of information from the Topic Centre | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:41 | SA 3.2 | ETC/SCP website | Dissemination of information from the Topic Centre | LOW | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:41 | SA 3.2 | ETC/CCA website | Dissemination of information from the Topic Centre | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2023-09-11 @ 21:08:47 | SA 3.2 | ETC/ACM website | Dissemination of information from the Topic Centre | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:55 | SA 3.2 | Eionet Transfer website | This application makes it possible to create a safe transfer of a file to another user. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:22 | SA 3.2 | Eionet HelpAdmin | A dashboard for editing help texts in Eionet web applications | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2023-12-23 @ 07:59:35 | SA 3.2 | Eionet ACLAdmin | A dashboard for assigning access to Reportnet applications | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:22 | SA 3.1 | Partnerships beyond Eionet - PBE | Working platform for EEA projects with scope beyond our core network Eionet | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:11 | SA 3.1 | EPA Network | European Network of the Heads of Environment Protection Agencies | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:19 | SA 3.1 | Eionet portal (new; prototype) | Providing a gateway into the Eionet sites. Describing Eionet. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:19 | SA 2.3 | Platform for forward-looking information (aka FLIS and PFLI) | Horizon scanning; trend analyses; catalogue; glossary | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:46 | SA 1.8 | Joined Environmental Data Infrastructure (JEDI) | Infrastructure used to produce LEAC alike database sets that supports the data integration assessment excercise in EEA | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:57 | SA 1.8 | ETC/ULS website | Dissemination of information from the Topic Centre | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2023-12-23 @ 08:00:11 | SA 1.7 | Natura 2000 GIS Intranet web-application | The Natura 2000 GIS Intranet web-application was developed to make Natura2000 data accessible to a large(r) amount of people within the European Commission through an easy-to-use intuitive interface. | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:31:19 | SA 1.7 | Land Purchase Database | DEM Tool used to collect data from LIFE project that bought land on European level to protect Natura 2000 sites in Europe | MODERATE | n/a | ||||
25 | / 2024-04-03 @ 14:32:24 | SA 1.2 | E-PRTR | Provides key environmental data from industrial facilities | MODERATE | n/a |
Site owners can ask us to not perform further scans of their sites. For reasons of transparency we archive the result of the last successful scan here.
No sites are excluded from scans at the moment.