Author: Dominik Herrmann
This list is comprised of the websites of 2017 installments of ranked security and privacy conferences according to CORE 2017 ranking. For comparison, we have also included ENISA APF 2017.
Take the results shown on this page with a grain of salt! Some of our checks may report wrong results.
What is this? This page shows a summary of a machine-generated analysis of several web pages commissioned by a PrivacyScore user. During the analysis it was checked whether the privacy of the visitors is protected on a technical level as well as possible when visiting the given Internet addresses, and whether the operator uses common security mechanisms on the website. This can indicate how seriously an operator takes data protection. However, it is not possible to determine the actual security level achieved. More details please!
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You can influence the ranking by your preferences. Use the and arrows to change the importance (left means more important).
At the moment we only provide one ranking scheme that consists of the following categories: NoTrack, EncWeb, Attacks, and EncMail. We perform a priorized sort to obtain the ranking: We start with the first category, sorting the sites according to their rating: . Sites with an identical rating in a category are further sorted considering the next category to the right. This procedure is repeated until all categories have been considered.
# | URL | Conference Name | Conference Abbreviation | CORE Ranking | Society |
NoTrack |
EncWeb |
Attacks |
EncMail |
Rating |
1 | (2 failures) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:50:51 | IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (was CSFW) | CSF | A | IEEE | good | neutral | warning | neutral | |
2 | / 2024-04-14 @ 00:16:12 | International Conference on Availability Reliability and Security | ARES | B | - | good | warning | good | warning | |
3 | / 2024-01-01 @ 09:50:36 | International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems | CRiSIS | C | - | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
3 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:14:54 | Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices | WISTP | C | IFIP | good | critical | warning | neutral | |
4 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:11:13 | Usable Security Workshop | USEC | C | Internet Society | good | critical | bad | good | |
5 | (2 failures) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:17:26 | Annual Computer Security Applications Conference | ACSAC | A | ACSA | neutral | neutral | neutral | good | |
6 | (2 failures) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:14:54 | Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference | FC | B | IFCA | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
6 | (2 failures) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:48:55 | International Conference on network and System Security | NSS | B | - | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
7 | (2 failures) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:49:10 | International Workshop on Information Security Applications | WISA | C | - | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
8 | (3 failures) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:56:05 | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | CCS | A* | ACM | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
8 | (2 failures) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:16:23 | New Security Paradigms Workshop | NSPW | C | - | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
9 | (3 failures) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:17:02 | Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium | PETS | B | - | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
9 | (2 failures) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:17:37 | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security | CIS | C | - | neutral | neutral | neutral | neutral | |
10 | (2 failures) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:52:38 | International Conference on Security of Information and Networks | SIN | C | - | neutral | neutral | neutral | warning | |
11 | (1 failure) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:49:14 | International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security | ASIACRYPT | A | IACR | neutral | warning | neutral | neutral | |
12 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:16:25 | International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security | CANS | B | - | neutral | warning | neutral | neutral | |
13 | (2 failures) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:49:37 | International Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security | VizSec | C | IEEE | neutral | warning | neutral | neutral | |
14 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:15:31 | Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks | SCN | B | - | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
14 | (1 failure) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:51:35 | International Conference on Trust Privacy and Security in Digital Business | TrustBus | B | - | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
15 | (1 failure) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:51:34 | International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology | ICISC | B | - | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
16 | (2 failures) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:51:07 | Usenix Network and Distributed System Security Symposium | NDSS | A | Internet Society | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
17 | (1 failure) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:50:56 | International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security | ACNS | B | - | neutral | critical | neutral | neutral | |
18 | (1 failure) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:54:39 | International Conference on Information Theoretic Security | ICITS | C | - | neutral | critical | neutral | warning | |
19 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:15:29 | Annual Privacy Forum | APF | None | ENISA | warning | neutral | warning | neutral | |
20 | (1 failure) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:50:22 | International Workshop on Security Protocols | IWSP | C | - | warning | neutral | warning | neutral | |
21 | (2 failures) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:49:15 | IFIP Information Security & Privacy Conference | IFIP SEC | B | IFIP | warning | neutral | warning | neutral | |
22 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:11:06 | International Conference on Computer Safety Reliability and Security | SAFECOMP | B | EWICS | warning | warning | good | neutral | |
23 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:11:25 | Annual Conference on Privacy Security and Trust | PST | C | IEEE | warning | warning | warning | good | |
24 | (1 failure) / 2023-09-16 @ 21:17:08 | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security | IEEE CICS | C | IEEE | warning | warning | warning | neutral | |
25 | (1 failure) / 2024-04-14 @ 00:15:25 | European Symposium On Research In Computer Security | ESORICS | A | - | warning | warning | warning | neutral | |
26 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:12:08 | Symposium on Stabilization Safety and Security of Distributed Systems | SSS | C | - | warning | warning | warning | warning | |
27 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:13:29 | Information Security Symposium | CERIAS | C | CERIAS | warning | warning | warning | warning | |
28 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:12:19 | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy | S&P | A* | IEEE | warning | warning | warning | warning | |
29 | / 2024-01-01 @ 09:49:22 | Usenix Security Symposium | USENIX-Security | A* | Usenix | warning | warning | warning | warning | |
30 | / 2024-01-01 @ 09:52:27 | Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security | SOUPS | B | Usenix | warning | warning | warning | warning | |
31 | / 2024-04-14 @ 00:15:55 | Information Hiding and Multimedia Security Workshop | IH&MMSec | C | ACM | warning | critical | warning | neutral | |
32 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:11:01 | International Conference on Security and Privacy for Communication Networks | SecureComm | B | EAI | warning | critical | warning | neutral | |
33 | (1 failure) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:52:29 | Information Security Practice and Experience Conference | ISPEC | B | - | warning | critical | warning | neutral | |
34 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:14:08 | International Workshop on Security | IWSEC | B | - | warning | critical | warning | neutral | |
35 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:10:39 | IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics | ISI | C | IEEE | warning | critical | warning | neutral | |
36 | (1 failure) / 2024-01-01 @ 09:49:04 | International Conference on Information and Communications Security | ICICS | B | WASET | warning | critical | warning | neutral | |
37 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:11:00 | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications | IEEE CISDA | C | IEEE | warning | critical | warning | warning | |
38 | / 2024-04-14 @ 00:16:24 | Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems | CISIS | B | WASET | warning | critical | warning | warning | |
39 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:10:39 | International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing | ICSPC | A | WASET | warning | critical | warning | warning | |
39 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:11:59 | International Conference on Information Systems Security | ICISS | B | WASET | warning | critical | warning | warning | |
40 | / 2023-09-16 @ 21:12:01 | IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (also known as DBSEC) | DBSEC | A | IFIP | n/a | ||||
40 | / 2024-01-01 @ 09:49:02 | ACM Symposium on Information Computer and Communications Security | AsiaCCS | B | ACM | n/a | ||||
40 | / 2024-04-14 @ 00:16:10 | Information Security Conference | ISC | B | - | n/a | ||||
40 | / 2024-04-14 @ 00:16:08 | International Conference on Information Security and Cryptography | SECRYPT | B | - | n/a | ||||
40 | / 2024-04-14 @ 00:15:15 | International Conference on Provable Security | ProvSec | B | - | n/a | ||||
40 | / 2024-01-01 @ 09:52:25 | SKLOIS Conference on Information Security and Cryptology | Inscrypt | B | - | n/a | ||||
40 | / 2024-04-14 @ 00:17:07 | International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security | CRITIS | C | - | n/a |
Site owners can ask us to not perform further scans of their sites. For reasons of transparency we archive the result of the last successful scan here.
No sites are excluded from scans at the moment.