VPN service providers

Tags:    vpn privacy anonymity security internet

Author: Alfred Seufert

VPN providers advertise their products to preserve the customers anonymity and privacy. Lets see how privacy preserving their web presence is.
The list of VPN providers (and all attributes) was crawled from vpnmentor.com. Links to the google play store are omitted and a few dozen broken URLs (during crawling) were replaced by the corrected counterpart. See the sitemap to get the full collection.
Attributes are self explanatory. If not, refer to the crawled orignal page.

  •   0 passed all checks
  •   49 failed one or more checks
  •   1 failed all checks within a group
  •   128 failed critical checks

Take the results shown on this page with a grain of salt! Some of our checks may report wrong results.

What is this? This page shows a summary of a machine-generated analysis of several web pages commissioned by a PrivacyScore user. During the analysis it was checked whether the privacy of the visitors is protected on a technical level as well as possible when visiting the given Internet addresses, and whether the operator uses common security mechanisms on the website. This can indicate how seriously an operator takes data protection. However, it is not possible to determine the actual security level achieved.  More details please!

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5 sites of this list are being scanned at the moment

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You can influence the ranking by your preferences. Use the and arrows to change the importance (left means more important).

At the moment we only provide one ranking scheme that consists of the following categories: NoTrack, EncWeb, Attacks, and EncMail. We perform a priorized sort to obtain the ranking: We start with the first category, sorting the sites according to their rating:         . Sites with an identical rating in a category are further sorted considering the next category to the right. This procedure is repeated until all categories have been considered.


# URL Name Price (Monthly) Money Back Guarantee (Days) Number of Server Locations (countries) Does VPN keep logs Includes Kill Switch Devices per license Number of servers Number of IP Addresses NoTrack
1 http://www.cryptostorm.is/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:33 CryptoStorm 4.33 0 17 No Yes 1 30 206
2 http://www.trilightzone.org/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:05 TrilightZone 10.0 0 6 No No 1
3 http://www.defendemus.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:01 VPN Shield 2.5 1 11 Yes No 5 103
4 http://www.azirevpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:43 AzireVPN 3.75 7 5 No No 5 22 22
5 http://www.ivpn.net/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:07:34 IVPN 8.33 7 13 No Yes 5 37 100
6 http://www.anonymizer.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:49:10 Anonymizer VPN 6.67 45 2 No Yes 4 2
6 http://www.defencevpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:47 DefenceVPN 4.99 0 26 No Yes 5 33 33
6 http://www.happy-vpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:21 Happy VPN 14.99 30 5 No No 1
6 http://www.idealvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:55 IdealVPN 4.15 3 2 No No 1
6 http://www.liquidvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:04 LiquidVPN 7.0 7 10 No No 8 40
6 http://www.thesafetyus.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:26 TheSafety US 39.0 7 22 No No 2 22
6 http://www.vikingvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:48 VikingVPN 9.99 14 3 No Yes 7 8
7 http://mac.eltima.com/vpn-app-mac.html (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:46 Cargo VPN 2.78 1 70 Partially No 5 1000 1
7 http://www.lamnia.co.uk/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:30 Lamnia VPN 3.71 0 8 Partially No 1 122
7 http://www.proxpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:55 ProXPN 6.25 30 15 No Yes 3 65
7 http://www.prq.se/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:01 PRQ VPN 10.7 0 1 Partially No Unlimited 8000
7 http://www.supervpn.net/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:48 SuperVPN 15.0 15 48 Yes No 3 475
7 http://www.torvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:57 TorVPN 2.16 0 8 Yes No Unlimited 9 9
7 http://www.tvwhenaway.co.uk/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:42 TVWhenAway VPN 5.43 0 1 Partially No 1
7 http://www.usaip.eu/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:24 USA IP VPN 6.25 0 35 No No 1 20
7 http://www.vpn.cc/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:13 VPN.cc 6.99 1 59 Partially No 14 1612 20000
7 http://www.vpntracker.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:28 VPN Tracker 6.94 14 1 Yes No 1 1 1
8 http://www.f-secure.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:39:04 F-Secure Freedome 4.17 30 18 Yes No 7 27
8 http://www.hide.me/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:30 Hide me VPN 4.99 14 28 No Yes 5 117 1300
8 http://www.ukproxyserver.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:31 LibertyShield VPN 7.56 0 9 Partially No 1
9 http://www.arethusa.su/vpn.html (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:22 Arethusa VPN 5.0 0 7 No No 1
9 http://www.bolehvpn.net/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:19 BolehVPN 6.66 14 3 No No 2 13
9 http://www.btguard.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:46 BTGuard VPN 7.5 14 3 Partially No 5 1000
9 http://www.cienen.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:28 Cienen 9.95 3 10 No No 7 26
9 http://www.disconnect.me/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:55 Disconnect Premium (formerly known as Privacy Pro by Disconnect) 0.0 365 3 Partially No 3 3 3
9 http://www.dotvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:21 DotVPN 2.99 30 12 Yes No 1 700 700
9 http://www.expressvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:52 ExpressVPN 6.67 30 94 No Yes 3 2000 25000
9 http://www.flowvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:56 FlowVPN 3.99 0 40 Yes No 4 100
9 http://www.flyvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:31 FlyVPN 6.67 30 40 Yes No 1 300
9 http://www.ghostpath.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:22 Ghost Path 6.25 0 44 Partially No 1 130
9 http://www.hideipvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:50 HideIPVPN 5.99 30 7 Partially Yes 3 29 500
9 http://www.hotvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:17 HotVPN 11.99 7 8 No No 2
9 http://www.ipinator.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:12:29 Ipinator VPN 4.08 30 49 Partially No 5 84 2000
9 http://www.getkeepsafe.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:20 Keepsafe VPN 9.99 7 16 No No 10 16 16
9 http://www.limevpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:58 LimeVPN 1.49 7 10 Yes No 2 20 6000
9 http://www.netmap.su/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:20 Netmap 13.3 7 23 No No 1 32 91
9 http://www.noodlevpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:06 Noodle VPN 3.0 0 No No 5
9 http://www.norton.com/wifi-privacy (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:17 Norton Wifi Privacy 3.33 60 25 No No 1 30
9 http://www.privatewifi.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:44:30 Private WiFi 6.67 30 18 No No 1 38
9 http://www.privatepackets.io/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:22 PrivatePackets.io 3.0 0 6 Partially No Unlimited 7
9 http://www.protonvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:35 ProtonVPN 0.0 30 14 No Yes 1 112
9 http://www.proxyserver.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:59 ProxyServer VPN 4.15 0 25 No No 1
9 http://www.secretsline.biz/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:20 SecretsLine VPN 4.0 15 25 No No 1
9 http://www.securevpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:00 SecureVPN 7.99 0 6 Partially No 5 6
9 http://www.securitykiss.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:46 SecurityKISS VPN 2.99 0 16 Yes Yes 10 61 61
9 http://www.shellfire.net/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:23 Shellfire VPN 2.32 14 31 No No 1 50 200
9 http://www.skyvpn.net/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:09 SkyVPN 0.0 0 11 Partially No 5 500 1000
9 http://www.smartdnsproxy.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:56 Smart DNS Proxy 3.33 30 29 Partially No 5 89
9 http://www.smartvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:49 SmartVPN 3.0 7 24 Yes No 1 28
9 http://www.tapvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:23 TapVPN Free VPN 0.0 0 9 Partially Yes 1 1350 10000
9 http://www.torrentprivacy.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:46 TorrentPrivacy VPN 5.38 30 3 Partially No 1 8
9 http://www.tunnelbear.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:24 TunnelBear VPN 4.99 0 20 Partially Yes 5
9 http://www.unspyable.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:50 Unspyable VPN 6.67 0 15 Partially No 1 45
9 http://www.sparklabs.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:26 Viscosity 9.0 0 No No 1
9 http://www.vpn.sh/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:52 VPN.sh 5.43 0 20 Yes No 1 52
9 http://www.vpnbaron.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:12 VPNBaron 5.99 7 19 Yes Yes 3 19 19
9 http://www.vpnhub.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:23 VPNhub 0.0 0 12 No No 3 31 31
9 http://www.vpnprivacy.services/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:37 VPNPrivacy 8.1 3 4 No No 1 10 232
10 http://www.cyberghostvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:02 CyberGhost VPN 2.75 30 59 No Yes 7 2630 2630
10 http://www.headvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:08 HeadVPN 2.39 30 4 No No 5 12 12
10 http://www.lifetimepremiumvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:44:27 Lifetime Premium VPN Pro 30.99 7 10 No No Unlimited 70 70
10 http://www.nuvpn.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:49 NuVPN 2.79 0 1 Yes No 1 1 1
10 http://www.opera.com/computer/features/free-vpn (3 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:44 Opera VPN 0.0 0 5 No No 1
11 http://www.beevpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:17 BeeVPN 6.59 365 4 Partially No 1
11 http://www.proxy.sh/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:44:26 Proxy.sh 5.0 7 57 Partially Yes 3 300 570
12 http://www2.unotelly.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:08:13 UnoTelly VPN 4.95 14 30 Yes No 1
13 http://www.chillglobal.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:43:08 ChillGlobal VPN 5.7 7 15 Partially No 1 43 200
14 http://www.anonvpn.io/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:33 Anonvpn.io 5.75 0 1 No No 1 1 1
15 http://www.hidemyass.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:43:06 HideMyAss VPN 5.99 30 190 Yes Yes 2 850 110000
16 http://www.vpngate.net/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:43:38 VPNgate 0.0 0 90 No No 1 8087
17 http://www.kaspersky.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-13 @ 15:55:57 Kaspersky Secure Connection 0.0 0 18 No No 5 18 18
18 http://www.vpn.asia/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:19 VPN.Asia 4.15 7 30 No No 5 40 24000
19 http://www.hideway.eu/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:16 Hideway VPN 15.99 0 1 Partially No 1
20 http://www.astrill.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:44:54 Astrill VPN 5.83 7 49 Yes Yes 10 327
21 http://www.waselpro.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:07 WASEL Pro 7.5 7 14 No No 2 30 100
22 http://www.avast.com/en-us/lp-aff-secureline-vpn (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:47 Avast SecureLine VPN 4.0 0 54 No No 1 33 1
22 http://www.avg.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:34 AVG Secure 4.99 30 21 No No Unlimited 29 29
22 http://www.doublehop.me/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:43:42 Doublehop.me 2.75 0 5 No No 1 6
22 http://www.vpnmaster.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:43:58 VPN Master 3.95 1 14 Partially No 1 14
22 http://www.wifimask.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:46 WifiMask VPN 2.99 0 1 Partially No 1
23 http://www.ipredator.se/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:42 iPredator 6.0 0 1 No No 2 100
23 http://www.my-expat-network.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:44 My Expat Network 4.0 30 4 Partially No 3 120
23 http://www.zoogtv.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:21 ZoogVPN 2.99 7 18 No No 5 27 20
24 http://www.ananoos.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:57 Ananoos VPN 4.58 0 3 No No 1
24 http://www.anonyproz.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:18 Anonyproz 0.83 2 24 No No 1 31
24 http://www.blackvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:27 BlackVPN 8.25 14 16 No No 3 27
24 http://www.blockless.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:57 Blockless 7.5 0 14 Partially No 10
24 http://www.bigcopycat.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:26 Fast Secure VPN 2.5 0 16 No No 1
24 http://www.hidester.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:27 Hidester VPN 4.2 7 41 No Yes 5 45
24 http://www.ipvanishvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:10 IPVanish VPN 4.87 7 60 No Yes 10 750 40000
24 http://www.perfectvpn.net/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:54 PerfectVPN 1.83 7 11 No No 1 20 22
24 http://www.usemyvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:37 Usemyvpn 8.33 7 6 No Yes 10 22 220
24 http://www.vpn.fish/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:08 vpn.fish 2.33 7 9 No No 1 13 13
24 http://www.vpnland.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:59 VPN Land 8.33 7 11 Partially No 5 400 10000
25 http://www.zpn.im/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:24 ZPN VPN 1.99 7 27 Yes Yes 1 378
26 http://www.caspervpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:17 Casper VPN 3.9 15 33 No Yes 5 41 41
27 http://www.banana-vpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:04 Banana VPN 8.33 7 7 Partially No 3 15
27 http://www.bulletvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:23 BulletVPN 7.5 30 21 No No 3 1 1
27 http://www.getcloak.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:55 Cloak VPN 2.99 30 Yes No Unlimited
27 http://www.altvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:40 AltVPN 1.97 30 13 No No 3 13 13
27 http://www.droidvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:46 DroidVPN 2.99 7 8 No No 1 29
27 http://www.faceless.me/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:23 FacelessMe VPN 4.99 30 3 Yes No 10
27 http://www.frootvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:20 FrootVPN 2.99 30 31 No No 5 30
27 http://www.frostvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:52 FrostVPN 1.99 0 44 Yes Yes 3 130 500
27 http://www.geosurf.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:21 Geosurf VPN 300.0 0 97 Yes No Unlimited 200
27 http://www.guardstreet.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:43:40 GuardStreet VPN 7.99 30 No No 1
27 http://www.hotspotshield.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:29 Hotspot Shield 2.99 30 90 Partially No 5 200
27 http://www.ibvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:55 ibVPN 3.08 15 47 Partially Yes 1 130 1400
27 http://www.in-disguise.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:06 In-Disguise VPN 4.58 0 22 Partially No 1 25
27 http://www.itshidden.eu/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:07 ItsHidden VPN 6.66 0 3 No No 1
27 http://www.macsentry.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:37 MacSentry 3.58 7 16 No No 5 20 100
27 http://www.my-private-network.co.uk/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:45 My Private Network VPN 5.17 90 44 Partially No 5 190 2500
27 http://www.nordvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:16 NordVPN 6.99 30 62 No Yes 6 4701 2254
27 http://www.octanevpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:21 OctaneVPN 2.67 0 40 No Yes 5 150 500
27 http://www.perimeter81.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:48 Perimeter81 10.0 30 35 Yes Yes Unlimited 700 2000
27 http://www.privateinternetaccess.com/ (2 failures) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:35 Private Internet Access 2.91 7 25 No Yes 5 3253
27 http://www.privatevpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:43 PrivateVPN 2.88 30 56 No Yes 6 100 4000
27 http://www.psiphon.ca/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:20 Psiphon 0.0 0 9 Partially No 1 1000 1000
27 http://www.ra4wvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:21 RA4W VPN 2.29 0 25 Partially No Unlimited 34
27 http://www.rapidvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:05 RapidVPN 6.8 3 18 No Yes Unlimited 44 6500
27 http://www.liquidum.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:41:36 Rocket VPN 0.0 0 1 No No 1 1
27 http://www.safervpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:53 SaferVPN 2.5 30 35 No Yes 5 700
27 http://www.saturnvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:23 SaturnVPN 2.1 3 6 Partially No 2 45
27 http://www.securetunnel.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:56 SecureTunnel VPN 8.0 30 3 No No 1 3
27 http://www.seedboxes.cc/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:37 Seedboxes.cc 26.95 7 7 Partially No 5
27 http://www.seed.st/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:56 SeedST VPN 6.0 7 5 No No 1 52
27 http://www.speedify.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:04 Speedify 0.0 30 30 No No 5 500
27 http://www.spicevpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:20 Spice VPN 5.0 0 6 No No Unlimited 6
27 http://www.strongvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:24 StrongVPN 5.83 5 24 Partially Yes 2 47
27 http://www.suissl.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:50 Suissl Ltd 5.0 0 1 Partially No 5
27 http://www.tgvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:23 TgVPN 4.0 30 5 Partially No 3 12 18
27 http://torguard.net/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:01 TorGuard 5.0 30 50+ Partially Yes 5 3000
27 http://www.unlocator.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:16 Unlocator VPN 4.16 14 28 No No 1
27 http://www.vpn.express/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:05 VPN.Express 3.0 7 30 No Yes 5 400
27 http://www.vpnjack.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:17 VPNJack 2.5 0 1 Partially No 1
27 http://www.vpntraffic.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:41:15 VPNTraffic 2.92 0 73 Yes No 1
28 http://www.libertyvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:43:07 Liberty VPN 8.99 3 9 Partially No 3 83
29 http://www.anonymousvpn.org/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:33 Anonymous VPN 5.75 14 24 No Yes 1 1000 2000
30 http://www.boxpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:48 Boxpn VPN 2.99 7 22 Partially No 5 80
30 http://www.cactusvpn.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:57 CactusVPN 4.99 30 7 No No 3 19
30 http://www.celo.net/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:34 Celo VPN 5.5 0 13 Yes No 5 16 16
30 http://www.easy-hide-ip.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:50 Easy Hide IP VPN 3.95 7 26 No No 3 90 5000
30 http://www.keenow.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:22 Keenow 5.79 7 14 Partially Yes Unlimited 20 20
30 http://www.keezel.co/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:51 Keezel 229.0 15 160 No Yes Unlimited 1250 1250
30 http://www.seed4.me/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:04:47 Seed4me VPN 3.33 0 17 Yes No 1
30 http://www.shadowsocks.org/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:24 Shadowsocks 0.0 0 1 No No 1 1 1
30 http://www.spyoff.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:38 SpyOff VPN 6.99 15 21 No Yes Unlimited 395 14000
30 http://www.vpnmonster.ru/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:54 VPN Monster 1.37 0 29 No No 6 79 79
30 http://www.vpnarea.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:42:35 VPNArea 4.92 7 68 No Yes 5 209
31 http://www.vyprvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:44:18 VyprVPN 4.17 30 65 Partially Yes 5 700 20000
32 http://www.betternet.co/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:44:09 Betternet 0.0 0 10 Yes No 1 50
32 http://www.openvpn.net/ (1 failure) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:41:59 Open VPN 0.0 0 No No 1
32 http://www.slickvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:07:00 SlickVPN 4.0 30 45 No No Unlimited 142 1000
32 http://www.switchvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:43:32 SwitchVPN 0.0 30 32 No No 5
32 http://www.tunnelr.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:45:04 Tunnelr VPN 5.0 0 9 Partially No 5 15
32 http://www.vpnunlimitedapp.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:39 VPN Unlimited 3.33 7 70 No No 5 400 400
32 http://www.vpnlux.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:43:15 VPNLUX 29.0 7 6 No No 3 60 580
33 http://www.surfbouncer.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:36 Surf Bouncer VPN 4.99 30 30 No Yes 1
34 http://www.vpn99.net/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:33 VPN99 0.99 3 3 No No 2 72 578
35 http://www.vpnclientapp.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:44:18 VPN Client for Mac OS 2.5 7 49 No No 5 90 90
36 http://www.cmcm.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-14 @ 08:05:29 CM Security VPN 0.0 0 7 No No 1
37 http://web.uppersafe.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:54 Uppersafe 3.99 7 10 Partially Yes 5
38 http://www.vpnaus.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:50 VPNAUS 8.0 30 15 Partially No 2 42
39 http://www.perfect-privacy.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:22 Perfect Privacy 8.95 7 23 No Yes Unlimited 42 479
40 http://www.avira.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-13 @ 15:57:09 Avira Phantom VPN 10.0 0 20 No Yes 5
41 http://www.vpngates.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:44:15 VPNGates 6.66 5 11 Partially No 1 60
42 http://www.airvpn.org/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:44:16 AirVPN 4.5 3 20 Partially Yes 5 219 219
43 http://www.vpn.ac/ (2 failures) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:59 VPN.ac 4.8 7 78 Yes Yes 3 40 40
44 http://www.steganos.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:13 Steganos VPN 4.16 0 Partially No Unlimited
45 http://www.surfeasy.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-01-12 @ 01:42:01 SurfEasy VPN 6.49 7 13 No No 5
46 http://www.gotrusted.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:29 GoTrusted VPN 5.99 0 12 Yes Yes Unlimited 70 105
47 http://www.linkideo.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:44 Linkideo 9.0 0 4 Yes No 1
48 http://www.ipjetable.net/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:41 IPjetable VPN 5.0 0 1 No No 2
49 http://www.smarthide.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:07:02 SmartHide VPN 9.98 0 5 No No 1 10
50 http://www.rocketvpn.net/ (2 failures) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:42 RocketVPN 2.5 0 6 No No 5 6 6
51 http://www.zenmate.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:43:46 Zenmate VPN 4.99 14 30 Partially Yes 5 30
52 http://www.bvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:44:53 bVPN 7.5 7 14 No Yes 6 30 100
53 http://www.getflix.com.au/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:08:11 GetFlix VPN 3.32 30 39 Partially Yes 5 91 10000
54 http://www.websecuritas.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:27:46 websecuritas 7.99 14 23 No Yes 7 112 160
55 http://www.holavpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:20 Hola VPN 0.0 30 300 No No 1 5000 10000000
56 http://www.vpn.net/ / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:35 LogMeIn Hamachi 4.08 0 Yes No Unlimited
57 http://www.vpnoneclick.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:43 VPN One Click 2.99 0 41 No No 1 52
58 http://www.ovpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:50 OVPN.com 7.0 10 6 No Yes 4 42 100
59 http://www.vpnuk.info/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:45 VPNUK 7.8 3 24 No No 6 100
60 http://www.hide-my-ip.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:24:24 Hide My IP VPN 2.95 30 42 Partially No 5 71
61 http://www.sumrando.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:48 SumRando VPN 6.0 0 8 Yes Yes Unlimited 13 1500
62 http://www.shimovpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:38 Shimovpn 4.1 30 No No 3
63 http://www.vpnreactor.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:37 VPNReactor 7.99 0 18 No No 2 56 148
64 http://www.vpn.ht/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:25 VPN.ht 3.33 30 24 No No 3 128
65 http://www.newshosting.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:37 Newshosting 10.0 0 17 Partially No 30
66 http://www.okayfreedom.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:04 Okay Freedom 0.0 30 12 No No 1 40
67 http://www.fastestvpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:54 FastestVPN 1.66 7 22 No No 5 100 100
68 http://www.vpnbook.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:36 VPNBook 0.0 0 5 No No 1 6 6
69 http://www.vpnki.ru/ / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:46 VPNKI 0.0 0 2 Yes No 2 2 2
70 http://www.myip.io/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:25 MyIP VPN 2.99 7 22 Partially No 1 26
71 http://www.tigervpn.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:43:09 tigerVPN 2.75 3 42 Yes No 5 62
72 http://www.tonvpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:20 TonVPN 6.0 0 4 Partially No 1 4
72 http://www.ultrasurf.us/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:25 Ultrasurf VPN 0.0 0 No No 1
73 http://www.vpnfacile.net/ / 2024-03-31 @ 02:44:22 VPNfacile 4.08 0 29 Partially Yes 1 54 2500
74 http://www.goosevpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:24:29 Goose VPN 2.99 30 31 No No Unlimited 60 60
74 http://www.windscribevpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:44 Windscribe VPN 0.0 3 55 No Yes Unlimited 300 10
75 http://www.xvpn.io/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:53 X-VPN 5.99 7 25 No Yes 10 3000 3000
76 http://www.worldvpn.net/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:46 WorldVPN 4.95 3 47 No Yes 5 190 15000
77 http://www.yourprivatevpn.com/ / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:28 YourPrivateVPN 6.0 0 24 No No 1 3268
78 http://www.vpn4all.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:39 VPN4All 5.0 0 50 Partially No 1 80 10000
79 http://www.sunvpn.net/ / 2024-04-22 @ 21:07:00 SunVPN 6.65 30 8 Yes No 1 10
80 http://www.ipchameleon.com/ / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:59 Chameleon VPN 6.0 10 19 No No 1 21
81 http://www.shadeyouvpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:52 ShadeYou VPN 2.17 7 15 Partially Yes 5 25 100
82 http://www.vip72.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:27:00 VIP72 VPN 10.0 0 13 Partially No 1 17
83 http://www.clearvpn.net/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:30 ClearVPN 10.41 7 3 No No 1
84 http://www.vpninja.com/ / 2024-01-12 @ 01:43:02 VPNinja 4.83 7 14 Partially No 2 34 28
85 http://www.zenvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:59 ZenVPN 4.16 30 34 No No 1
86 http://www.vpnsecure.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:53 VPNSecure 6.66 30 48 No Yes 5 76 6500
87 http://www.morevpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:07:00 MoreVPN 8.0 0 27 No No 1 43
88 http://www.vpnshazam.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:49 VPNShazam 6.79 0 60 Yes No 3 400 46000
89 http://www.identitycloaker.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:24:46 Identity Cloaker 6.67 14 16 Partially Yes 20 32 500
90 http://www.privatetunnel.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:06 Private Tunnel 2.92 0 Partially No Unlimited
91 http://www.finchvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:54 FinchVPN 1.61 0 18 Yes No 1
92 http://www.monvpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:50 MonVPN 4.16 7 11 No No 5 17
92 http://www.streamvia.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:01 Stream Via 6.51 3 16 No No 1 16
93 http://www.onavo.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:30 Onavo Protect 0.0 0 1 No No 1
94 http://trust.zone/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:33 Trust.Zone 2.99 10 32 No Yes 3 127 200
95 http://www.vpn-accounts.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:40 VPNAccounts 8.08 7 9 No No 1
96 http://www.mullvadvpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:21 Mullvad VPN 5.0 0 24 No Yes 5 160+
96 http://www.pandapow.co/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:58 PandaPow 7.0 7 16 No No 3 120 120
97 http://www.acevpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:47 Acevpn 3.89 7 26 Yes Yes 10
98 http://www.levpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:39 Le VPN 4.95 7 114 Yes No 2 400
99 http://www.ivacy.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:46 Ivacy VPN 1.99 7 100 No Yes 5 275 12000
100 http://www.getlantern.org/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:11 Lantern 0.0 0 1 Partially No 3
101 http://www.nvpn.net/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:47 NVPN 3.33 0 41 No Yes 1 60 4618
102 http://www.purevpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:27:06 PureVPN 3.25 7 141 Partially Yes 5 750 80000
103 http://www.whoer.net/ / 2024-03-31 @ 02:43:28 Whoer 5.99 0 14 No No 3 25 25
104 http://www.anonine.com/ / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:32 Anonine VPN 3.99 0 33 No No 1 156
105 http://www.ironsocket.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:33 Ironsocket VPN 4.16 7 36 Yes No 1 50
106 http://www.allconnected.co/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:12 Turbo VPN 0.0 0 1 No No 1
107 http://www.onevpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:55 OneVPN 4.0 7 22 No Yes 3 70 1500
108 http://www.vpn-discount.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:27:03 VPN-Discount 4.08 0 8 No No 1 20
109 http://www.vpntunnel.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:37 VPNTunnel 2.99 7 22 No No 5 80
110 http://www.activpn.com/ / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:30 ActiVPN 2.0 0 24 Partially Yes 5 37 n/a
110 http://www.bartvpn.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:44:37 Bart VPN 6.67 7 9 No No 10 23 n/a
110 http://www.buffered.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:27 Buffered VPN 8.25 30 37 No No 5 30 n/a
110 http://www.citizenvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:34 CitizenVPN 7.0 180 5 No No 1 n/a
110 http://www.cryptohippie.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:16 CryptoHippie VPN 22.92 3 Partially No 5 12 n/a
110 http://www.cybersilent.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:24 CyberSilent 5.7 7 47 No No 5 181 n/a
110 http://www.earthvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:55 EarthVPN 3.33 7 54 Partially Yes 3 400 3000 n/a
110 http://www.expatsurfer.co.uk/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:24 Expat Surfer 7.55 0 1 No No 2 n/a
110 http://www.falcovpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:20 FalcoVPN 2.08 30 12 No No 3 12 12 n/a
110 http://www.globalvpn.net/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:42:04 Global VPN 4.5 0 4 No No 1 6 n/a
110 http://www.hideman.net/ / 2024-04-22 @ 21:07:32 Hideman VPN 5.75 30 20 No No 4 n/a
110 http://vpn.insorg.org/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:23 Insorg VPN 17.5 0 17 Partially No 1 27 n/a
110 http://www.internetz.me/ / 2024-04-22 @ 21:06:33 Internetz.me VPN 5.25 0 4 No Yes 3 30 30 n/a
110 http://www.introvpn.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:16 Intro VPN 1.91 0 7 Partially No 5 9 n/a
110 http://www.nextgenvpn.com/ (1 failure) / 2023-09-24 @ 09:25:33 NEXTGenVPN 6.99 0 11 Partially No 1 n/a
110 http://www.overplayvpn.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:09 OverPlay VPN 8.83 2 50 No No 1 650 10000 n/a
110 http://vcp.ovpn.to/ (1 failure) / 2024-03-31 @ 02:40:34 oVPN.to 10.0 0 13 No No 1 52 n/a
110 http://www.privacyabroad.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:35 PrivacyAbroad VPN 8.25 10 27 No No 2 35 35 n/a
110 http://www.relakks.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-22 @ 21:05:56 Relakks VPN 4.55 0 1 No No 2 n/a
110 http://www.saferweb.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:42:13 SaferWeb VPN 3.99 0 27 No No 1 33 n/a
110 http://www.securevpn.to/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:27 SecureVPN.to 6.25 0 25 No No Unlimited 36 n/a
110 http://www.smartydns.com/ / 2024-01-12 @ 01:46:25 SmartyDNS 3.33 30 6 No Yes 5 6 6 n/a
110 http://www.swissvpn.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:16 SwissVPN 6.14 1 1 Partially No 1 n/a
110 http://www.tunnello.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:22 Tunnello 3.99 14 14 Partially No 5 110 110 n/a
110 http://www.tuvpn.com/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:26:50 TuVPN 7.49 7 8 No No 1 244 n/a
110 http://www.unblockvpn.com/ / 2024-04-22 @ 21:08:58 Unblock VPN 4.99 3 9 Partially No 3 21 n/a
110 http://www.versavpn.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:21 VersaVPN 2.08 10 23 No No 3 60 n/a
110 http://www.finjanmobile.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:17 VitalSecurityVPN 4.99 0 14 No No Unlimited 14 n/a
110 http://www.vpn-france.fr/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:22 VPN France 4.0 0 1 No Yes 1 1 n/a
110 http://www.vpnintouch.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:22 VPN in Touch 2.49 30 8 No No 3 15 n/a
110 http://www.cyber-mask.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:57 VPN Speed 12.95 14 10 No No 1 n/a
110 http://www.witopia.net/ / 2023-09-24 @ 09:29:14 WiTopia VPN 4.16 30 45 Yes No 2 74 n/a
110 http://www.zerovpn.tntapp.net/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:25 Zero VPN 0.0 0 9 No No 1 n/a
110 http://www.zorrovpn.com/ / 2024-04-24 @ 08:41:43 ZorroVPN 10.0 7 51 No Yes 5 77 200 n/a

Sites excluded from scans

The owners of these sites have asked us to not perform further scans. For reasons of transparency we archive the result of the last successful scan in the table found below. Note that it is possible that site owners have implemented changes to their site in the meantime, which are not reflected in these outdated results.

# URL Name Price (Monthly) Money Back Guarantee (Days) Number of Server Locations (countries) Does VPN keep logs Includes Kill Switch Devices per license Number of servers Number of IP Addresses NoTrack
1 http://www.12vpn.net/ / 2019-01-24 @ 19:08:26 12VPN 5.99 14 15 No No Unlimited n/a