
Tags:    ab

Author: hans sanh


  •   0 passed all checks
  •   28 failed one or more checks
  •   0 failed all checks within a group
  •   4 failed critical checks

Take the results shown on this page with a grain of salt! Some of our checks may report wrong results.

What is this? This page shows a summary of a machine-generated analysis of several web pages commissioned by a PrivacyScore user. During the analysis it was checked whether the privacy of the visitors is protected on a technical level as well as possible when visiting the given Internet addresses, and whether the operator uses common security mechanisms on the website. This can indicate how seriously an operator takes data protection. However, it is not possible to determine the actual security level achieved.  More details please!

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1 site of this list is being scanned at the moment

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You can influence the ranking by your preferences. Use the and arrows to change the importance (left means more important).

At the moment we only provide one ranking scheme that consists of the following categories: NoTrack, EncWeb, Attacks, and EncMail. We perform a priorized sort to obtain the ranking: We start with the first category, sorting the sites according to their rating:         . Sites with an identical rating in a category are further sorted considering the next category to the right. This procedure is repeated until all categories have been considered.


# URL Name Type NoTrack
1 http://www.ib-sh.de/ / 2024-04-19 @ 02:16:32 Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (no login) öfftl.
2 http://www.ikb.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:42:28 IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG privat
3 http://www.nrwbank.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:40:20 NRW.Bank öfftl.
3 http://www.bayernlb.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:40:07 Bayerische Landesbank öfftl.
4 http://www.dexia.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:31 Dexia Kommunalbank Deutschland AG privat
4 http://www.sskm.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:16:08 Stadtsparkasse München öfftl.
4 http://www.wuestenrot.de/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:27 Wüstenrot Bausparkasse AG privat
4 http://www.ksk-koeln.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:14:33 Kreissparkasse Köln öfftl.
4 http://www.berlinhyp.de/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:28 Berlin Hyp AG öfftl.
4 http://www.dghyp.de/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:28 DG Hyp Deutsche Genossenschafts- Hypothekenbank AG (no login) genoss.
4 http://www.haspa.de/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:26 Hamburger Sparkasse AG öfftl.
4 http://www.schwaebisch-hall.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:40:30 Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG genoss.
4 http://www.hsh-nordbank.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:49 HSH Nordbank öfftl.
4 http://www.helaba.de/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-18 @ 21:41:30 Hessische Landesabnk öfftl.
4 http://www.bw-bank.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:13:57 Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (instead of lbbw.de) öfftl.
5 http://www.hypothekenbankfrankfurt.com/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:28 Hypothekenbank Frankfurt privat
5 http://www.dkb.de/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:34 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG öfftl.
6 http://www.apobank.de/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:52 Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank e.G. genoss.
6 http://www.dzbank.de/ (3 failures) / 2024-04-16 @ 16:49:09 DZ Bank AG (no login) WGZ Bank AG
7 http://www.aareal-bank.com/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:41:46 Aareal Bank AG (no login) privat
8 http://www.mercedes-benz-bank.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:41:56 Mercedes-Benz Bank AG (no login) privat
9 http://www.bmwbank.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:42:19 BMW Bank GmbH privat
9 http://www.santander.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:41:14 Santander Consumer Bank AG privat
10 http://www.lfa.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-16 @ 16:49:08 LfA Förderbank Bayern öfftl.
11 http://www.seb.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:19:16 SEB AG privat
12 http://www.commerzbank.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:42:29 Commerzbank AG privat
13 http://www.wlbank.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:16:33 WL Bank AG Westfälische Landschaft Bodenkreditbank genoss.
14 http://www.ibb.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:14:27 IBB Investitionsbank Berlin (no login) öfftl.
14 http://www.deutsche-hypo.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:40:59 Deutsche Hypothekenbank (no login) privat
14 http://www.nordlb.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:42:27 Norddeutsche Landesbank öfftl.
15 http://www.deutsche-bank.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:14:51 Deutsche Bank AG privat
16 http://www.comdirekt.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:16:23 Comdirect Bank AG privat
17 http://www.bhw.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-16 @ 16:53:32 BHW Bausparkasse AG privat
18 http://www.hypovereinsbank.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:17:18 Unicredit Bank AG privat
19 http://www.dvbbank.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-18 @ 21:42:29 DVB Bank SE privat
20 http://www.hsbc.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:27 HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG privat
21 http://www.l-bank.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:15:37 Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg - Förderbank (no login) öfftl.
22 http://www.deka.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:42:15 Deka Bank öfftl.
23 http://www.frankfurter-sparkasse.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-18 @ 21:42:09 Frankfurter Sparkasse AG öfftl.
24 http://www.lbb.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:14:06 Landesbank Berlin AG öfftl.
25 http://www.volkswagenbank.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-16 @ 16:51:14 Volkswagen Bank GmbH privat
26 http://www.bremerlandesbank.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-16 @ 16:51:30 Bremer Landesbank Kreditanstalt Oldenburg öfftl.
27 http://www.akf.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-01-03 @ 21:10:12 akf privat
28 http://www.muenchenerhyp.de/ (2 failures) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:41:27 Münchener Hypothekenbank genoss.
29 http://www.sparkasse-koelnbonn.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:40:34 Sparkasse KölnBonn öfftl.
30 http://www.ing-diba.de/ / 2023-09-21 @ 00:38:41 ING-Diba AG privat
31 http://www.pfandbriefbank.com/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-19 @ 02:15:39 Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG (no login) privat
32 http://www.rentenbank.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:46:28 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank (no login) öfftl.
33 http://www.kfw.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:54 Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau öfftl.
34 http://www.postbank.de/ (1 failure) / 2024-04-24 @ 16:39:57 Postbank AG privat

Sites excluded from scans

Site owners can ask us to not perform further scans of their sites. For reasons of transparency we archive the result of the last successful scan here.

No sites are excluded from scans at the moment.