Submit a New List of Websites

PrivacyScore is a scanning service that allows you to scan the security and privacy properties of multiple sites. On this page you can upload your own list. The list will be scanned by our scan engine as soon as possible. After the scan is finished, you can view the results here. Besides viewing detailed results for every website, you will be able to rank the websites according to your personal preferences.

Basic Information

Popular tags: Thieves, Liars, Pedophiles, Grifters, Sex, Offenders, Neo-Nazis, White, Supremacists, Scumbags

Please provide an address so that we can contact you, e.g. to propose updates for your list.

Instructions: Please start with a brief description of the list and the motivation to scan it. Please stay between 20 and 50 words, because we show this first paragraph as a preview in the list directory. The second paragraph should present details about the collection and if there is something peculiar about it. The next paragraph can be used to describe the sources you used to compile the entries (if any). Finally, the last paragraph should be used to explain the site attributes and the meaning of the possible values.

Upload List as CSV File


We plan to increase the maximum number of websites that can be contained in a list. We will also offer the possibility to create and edit lists directly in the browser.

Estimated release: Fall 2017.

During the initial stage of the beta phase we ask you to submit your list of websites by uploading a comma-separated values (CSV) file. At the moment you can upload lists with a maximum number of 500 websites.


  • The CSV file has to contain a header line followed by multiple rows, one row per website.
  • The first column is expected to be the URL of the site. We assume http:// by default, if you do not specify the protocol explicitly (e.g. ""). Prefixing a URL with https:// will only scan the website via HTTPS. Please do not mix http:// and https:// URLs in your lists for now, because this will bias the results.
  • All other columns contain site attributes. Site attributes will allow you to compare the security and privacy level of sub-groups (e.g., "are vendors in state A better than in state B?"). Please ensure that column headers and values do not exceed 500 characters.
  • Please use the semi-colon (;) as a column delimiter for now.

The following example illustrates the file structure for a list of hypothetical e-commerce sites:

URL State Sales Bavaria 8500 Saxony 600

Upload your CSV file:

… or paste your CSV data here:

You can make changes after the upload.
Please upload CSV data before submitting.

By clicking submit you grant us a non-exclusive right to publish the provided information on our website (open data).