PrivacyScore hosts lists of websites that are contributed by its users. You can browse our collection here.
The list is filtered by tag EU Remove Filter
The listing is ordered according to the list popularity, i.e., the lists with the most views are shown at the top.
This list contains the most visited websites in Europe by website hits. I am looking to assess the volume of Javascript traffic on the Internet that is accounted for by advertising and tracking technologies. The collection avoids double counting across countries, like,,, etc. So the UK site is often used as a proxy for the European. Alexa was used as the source and I have been using it in testing quite extensively
Contains projects having a stand at FOSDEM. Taken from Parsed with
European Union Institutions - Web Sites
Winners of the .eu Web Awards online competition, launched in 2014 by EURid. .eu websites can be nominated for a chance to win an award, which is presented at the Web Awards ceremony in Brussels. Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, in charge of Digital Economy and Society, European Commission states that: "The choice of a .eu domain name is not the choice of a simple extension, but the choice of being seen as European, of believing in the values at the basis of the European culture, of knowing that Europe is and will continue to be a quality label at worldwide level. "
Inspired by a study by published in March 2019 Source:
Die Parteien zur Europawahl 2019 in Deutschland
Some selected Webserver related to RWTH Aachen University
Webseiten mit http
Webseiten https
Österreichische Sozialversicherungsträger + Pension- und Vorsorgekassen, ausgenommen die ohne Webseite: * IBM Pensionskasse * Krankenfürsorge der Beamten der Stadtgemeinde Baden * Krankenfürsorge für die Beamten der Landeshauptstadt Linz * Krankenfürsorge für die Beamten der Stadt Wels * Krankenfürsorgeanstalt für Beamte der Stadt Steyr * Krankenfürsorgeeinrichtung der Beamten der Stadtgemeinde Hallein * Krankenversicherungsfonds der Beamten der Gemeinde Bad Gastein * Krankenfürsorgeanstalt für die Beamten der Landeshauptstadt Graz * Kranken- und Unfallfürsorge der Tiroler Gemeindebeamten
Österreichische Bundesbehörden: Bundesämter, Bundesanstalten, Bundesministerien, Gerichte und andere Behörden sowie öffentliche Unternehmen. Nicht enthalten sind die Bundesschulen.
A list of US, CA, and European news domains.
A list of news websites from the US, Canada, and some European Countries.
Official websites of public administrations of Italy (from IndicePA / Monitora PA) which are in the Tranco top 1 million list.
A list of websites in the top 100k of the Tranco list which seem to be connected to Italy and use Google Analytics.
A list of health insurance sites