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Municipalities of Flanders (Belgium)
CREATED ON 2018-02-05 BY Jo Wouters (Candela)

This list contains all official websites of municipalities (307 websites, 308 municipalities) in the Flanders region of Belgium. Actions on these websites could reveal sensitive information, so it is important these websites adhere to strict privacy rules. These websites are public funded, and should take strict privacy into account. The list of all municipalities + their websites is taken from the official website - URL: [data exported on 2018-02-05] The municipality of Herstappe (89 inhab.) does not have a website. Site attributes used in this list: URL: The url of the website. The source list only contains addresses for the http-protocol. In translation for this list this protocol has been removed as most of these websites are expected to also response to HTTPS requests. Municipality: name of the municipality City (stad) or municipality (gemeente): Stad = city, Gemeente = municipality Province: one of the 5 provinces of Flanders

3 months ago