PrivacyScore hosts lists of websites that are contributed by its users. You can browse our collection here.
The listing is ordered according to the list popularity, i.e., the lists with the most views are shown at the top.
Eine Liste von der BNetzA mit Aufsichtsbehoerden verschiedener Laender. Quelle:
The websites of european data protection agencies. Source:
List of top 500 websites with DE domain. List extracted from the website Domaintyper:
All schools in Vienna listed on except the four that don't have a website
Set 5 of List of registered Internet Pharmacies for Germany (that are pharmacies); source: DMDI, Feb 2018, See also the other lists:
Set 3 of List of registered Internet Pharmacies for Germany (that are pharmacies); source: DMDI, Feb 2018, See also the other lists:
Top 250 websites from Germany, manually classified according to their primary purpose. Defunct websites (as of January 2018) have been removed. Warning: Contains adult content
Digital Promise EDTECH List
Top 250 websites from the United States, manually classified according to their primary purpose. Defunct websites (as of January 2018) have been removed. Warning: Contains adult content
Eine Liste von knapp 500 deutschsprachigen Buchverlagen und Verlagsgruppen.
An update of the already existing list (70) of CCC Chaostreffs and Erfas from A more up to date version is available at
This collection contains news sites that are popular in Germany. Most of the sites are hosted in Germany. Some of them are hosted in Switzerland and Austria. The list contains also selected international news sites.
Cross-sectional site test survey
schools in m-v -> very different level
EDRi members, as of July 2017
Eine Liste von Mitglieder der ARD nach
This list contains the most visited websites in Europe by website hits. I am looking to assess the volume of Javascript traffic on the Internet that is accounted for by advertising and tracking technologies. The collection avoids double counting across countries, like,,, etc. So the UK site is often used as a proxy for the European. Alexa was used as the source and I have been using it in testing quite extensively
This list contains all official websites of municipalities (307 websites, 308 municipalities) in the Flanders region of Belgium. Actions on these websites could reveal sensitive information, so it is important these websites adhere to strict privacy rules. These websites are public funded, and should take strict privacy into account. The list of all municipalities + their websites is taken from the official website - URL: [data exported on 2018-02-05] The municipality of Herstappe (89 inhab.) does not have a website. Site attributes used in this list: URL: The url of the website. The source list only contains addresses for the http-protocol. In translation for this list this protocol has been removed as most of these websites are expected to also response to HTTPS requests. Municipality: name of the municipality City (stad) or municipality (gemeente): Stad = city, Gemeente = municipality Province: one of the 5 provinces of Flanders
Page 1
Taken from and polished with a script.
DEfCamp 8 Sponsors & Partners,
Contains projects having a stand at FOSDEM. Taken from Parsed with
Alle österreichischen Pflichtversicherer der Sozialversicherung (außer KFAs ohne Webseite)
Source: research with Google
This list contains the websites of the Top 20 German Cities in terms of population count according to Wikipedia.
European Union Institutions - Web Sites